
Impact of Covid and lockdown on mental health of students

Schools play an important role in supporting young people with their mental health. As well as providing stability, routine and consistency to many young people, schools provide protective factors for young people’s mental health and notably a connection with trusted adults such as teachers and pastoral support.  Impact of school closures on wellbeing and mental health There are a variety of reasons that school closures will have an impact on the mental health of young people. The closure of schools to most students creates uncertainty both in the short term and in relation to educational and employment outcomes in the future. For young people who are living in difficult or dangerous situations, the closures may also represent the loss of a safe and stable environment. Increased levels of anxiety and feelings of isolation as prominent effects of being away from the school environment.  The Office for National Statistics has shown that in the period from 24th April – 3rd May, 4...

How to make our class discipline in point of student?

Attach name cards to the desks before the students arrive the first day. Instruct them to sit in the seat with their name on it. If you need to reprimand someone, it’s much easier and more effective if you can address the child by name. Seating arrangements can be adjusted later. Forget about group seating for the first few weeks at least. Arrange the desks in rows. Children are social beings, and like us, if they’re in a group, they will chat. You want all attention focused on you. After the first few days rearrange the desks. Place potential behavior problems and those with vision or hearing difficulties at the front of the classroom. Independent workers and more responsible students will be fine near the back. Ensure that every child has an extra activity in his desk to work on when an assignment is finished: a book, a puzzle, or an Art project. Older children can begin homework. You know the old adage about idle hands… Most parents can be valuable allies. Alert them by phone when p...

3D Printing- Print your dream| Print whatever you want | viptalkswithvipin

  3D printing is one of the technologies that drives the Fourth Industrial Revolution. “3D printing” or “additive manufacturing” takes digital input in the form of computer aided design (CAD) model and creates solid, three dimensional parts of an additive, layer by layer process. 3D printing will disrupt global manufacturing and change the fortunes of national economies and workforces. It will have a massive impact for countries, states, and cities, globally. It will create new opportunities for economic growth, job creation, higher-skilled jobs, and a more sustainable future for the global manufacturing industry. 3D Printing in – Healthcare: Perhaps the most exciting and inspiring use of 3D printing is in medicine and healthcare. Medical solutions will become more customized for individual requirements. The breakthroughs in this field are extremely quick and awe-inspiring to say the least. The area of regenerative medicine will be greatly benefited Automotive: 3D-print...

7 Achievements of self Discipline.| vipin sharma| viptalkswithvipin |

  Discipline is one of the most significant  personality traits in everybody's life. It refers to a lot of rules and guidelines which are to be followed while doing any task or action. It is a method of being straightforward, dedicated, inspired, and empowered while carrying out any responsibility. It is a character attribute that causes the people to finish the assignments in a given fixed cutoff time. The function of control in our life is to set precision, proficiency, dependability, association, and center towards our undertakings. Significance of Discipline Discipline is an idea which everybody knows about, however not many genuinely comprehend its true importance. It is significant for us to be focused consistently. Discipline is the quality which opposes our inclination to surrender to negative practices and helps us to focus on all of the positive attributes. Tips for self Discipline Far away from your mobile and other Distraction while doing task' Make your schedule (...

Smartphone Addiction in child|स्मार्टफोन का कैदी

It would not be wrong to say that humans have become slaves of technology. We have become particularly accustomed to our mobile phones. Currently, most people suffer from severe mobile addiction. It is as if their shops revolve around their mobile phones and they cannot do it even for an hour. It is important to overcome this addiction to live a healthy, prosperous and peaceful life. Smartphone Addiction Smartphone addiction is  overuse of the Internet. It’s not that new phone that creates the compulsion, but the social media apps, games, and the virtual world it connects all of us . To be able to use these gaming apps and social media apps we are constantly upgrading to the best smartphone, best android phone or the latest iPhone.   Nomophobia you are suffering from what they call Nomophobia - NO MObile phone phobia, the fear of losing or being out of contact with your mobile phone    Tips to Beat Smartphone Addiction Don’t use your phone as an alarm...

Prevention from Cyber Threats | साइबर थ्रेट्स से बचके रहना ! | VipTalksWithVipin |

 Digital threats are everywhere.A cyber or cyber security threat is a malicious act that seeks to damage data, steal data, or disrupt digital life in general. Cyber attacks include threats like computer viruses, data breaches, and Denial of Service (DOS) attacks.As more and more people save personal information online, whether that’s with retailers, school districts, or even the federal government, the need for Cyber Security grows increasingly important. Cyber means - the science of understanding the control and movement of machines and animals. This was followed by “cyber” standing for “computerized.” Common Cyber Threats are - Malware Phishing. “Man in the Middle” (MitM) attack. virus on Mobile Apps Data Breaches Attacks on IoT Devices. Ransomware. Trojans Denial of Service attack or Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS).  Adware. Spyware and Keyloggers. Identity Theft Cyber prevention - Password hygiene. Anti-virus software. Caution against phishing attacks. system u...

How to learn the skill Faster | Learn Anything Faster | ViptalksWithVipin |

  Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth and social development for any country. Countries with higher and better levels of skills adjust more effectively to the challenges and opportunities of world of work. As India moves progressively towards becoming a ‘knowledge economy’ it becomes increasingly important that the country should focus on advancement of skills and these skills have to be relevant to the emerging economic environment. Some tricks to Learn the skills Faster Set A Goal K nowing you ultimate goal is the first step to learn anything. It keeps you consistent and progressive when things get hard. Break it Down D oing some research into the skills you want to master keeping in mind your specific goals and overall purpose Doing while learning Y ou cannot learn the things only by reading it. it improve your application part regarding that skill. Teaching while learning ...

New Education Policy 2020 | नई शिक्षा नीति-2020 | A vision for the education system in India| viptalkswithvipin |.

  The coming decade will witness phenomenal change and disruption in the field of higher education. As academicians, while our focus has been intense on the quality and delivery aspects of education. Drawing from India’s heritage According to Swami Vivekananda, “Education is not the amount of information that we put into your brain and runs riot there, undigested, all your life. We must have life-building, man-making,character-making assimilation of ideas. If you have assimilated five ideas and made them your life and character, you have more education than any man who has got by heart a whole library. If education is identical with information, the libraries are the greatest sages of the world and encyclopedia are the greatest Rishis”.  The focus of education in ancient India was not just the collection of knowledge, as ready for life in this world or for life beyond schooling, but for complete realization and liberation of the self.  Alignment with the global sustainabl...