Smartphone Addiction in child|स्मार्टफोन का कैदी

It would not be wrong to say that humans have become slaves
of technology. We have become particularly accustomed to our mobile phones.
Currently, most people suffer from severe mobile addiction. It is as if their
shops revolve around their mobile phones and they cannot do it even for an
hour. It is important to overcome this addiction to live a healthy, prosperous
and peaceful life.
Smartphone Addiction
Smartphone addiction is
overuse of the Internet. It’s not that new phone that creates the
compulsion, but the social media apps, games, and the virtual world it connects
all of us . To be able to use these gaming apps and social media apps we are
constantly upgrading to the best smartphone, best android phone or the latest
you are suffering from what they call Nomophobia - NO MObile
phone phobia, the fear of losing or being out of contact with your mobile phone
Tips to Beat
Smartphone Addiction
Don’t use your phone as an alarm clock. Do meditation and
exercise. Don’t check email first thing in the morning. It can wait until you
get to work.
Stop checking your phone after 8 pm. Be relaxed.
Mobile life tracking Shows your smartphone usage in real
time. Check your Total usage or timeline.
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