Impact of Covid and lockdown on mental health of students

Schools play an important role in supporting young people with their mental health. As well as providing stability, routine and consistency to many young people, schools provide protective factors for young people’s mental health and notably a connection with trusted adults such as teachers and pastoral support. 

Impact of school closures on wellbeing and mental health

There are a variety of reasons that school closures will have an impact on the mental health of young people. The closure of schools to most students creates uncertainty both in the short term and in relation to educational and employment outcomes in the future. For young people who are living in difficult or dangerous situations, the closures may also represent the loss of a safe and stable environment. Increased levels of anxiety and feelings of isolation as prominent effects of being away from the school environment.

 The Office for National Statistics has shown that in the period from 24th April – 3rd May, 41% parents reported that they felt the wellbeing of the child or young person in their care was being negatively affected due to trying to continue their education at home, while 33% reported that this was also negatively affecting the relationships between members of the household

Reducing the impacts of the pandemic on  mental health of Students.

 In its advice to parents and careers on supporting young people's mental health during the pandemic, the government recommends:

  • Doing yoga Daily
  • Creating a new routine
  • Learn new skills
  • Connecting regularly
  • Limiting exposure to the media
  • Providing clear information about the situation


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