How to make our class discipline in point of student?

  • Attach name cards to the desks before the students arrive the first day. Instruct them to sit in the seat with their name on it. If you need to reprimand someone, it’s much easier and more effective if you can address the child by name. Seating arrangements can be adjusted later.
  • Forget about group seating for the first few weeks at least. Arrange the desks in rows. Children are social beings, and like us, if they’re in a group, they will chat. You want all attention focused on you.
  • After the first few days rearrange the desks. Place potential behavior problems and those with vision or hearing difficulties at the front of the classroom. Independent workers and more responsible students will be fine near the back.
  • Ensure that every child has an extra activity in his desk to work on when an assignment is finished: a book, a puzzle, or an Art project. Older children can begin homework. You know the old adage about idle hands…
  • Most parents can be valuable allies. Alert them by phone when problems occur, but also call them with good news. When a child is working hard, gets good marks on a test, or does something kind for you or a classmate, let them know. It will make their day.
  • Don’t skip recess or Physical Education activities. Children are naturally active. When they have a chance to burn off excess energy they’ll be better able to focus on schoolwork when they return to the classroom.
  • Reward good behavior. Monthly certificates for “Best Listener”, “Most Improved”, “Most Responsible”, accompanied by a small prize, will result in a decline in discipline problems.
  • I found the following strategy to be effective for more persistent behavioral issues. With the principal’s knowledge and permission, issue a request by phone that the parent of the offender visit the class for half a day. Relate truthfully the problem you’re having with the child. When the parent arrives, place Mom or Dad on a chair right beside the child’s desk. You will probably have a very quiet morning or afternoon session.
  • However, the culprit has been embarrassed in front of his friends, and the parent will be annoyed because he had to miss work, and experience a long, boring half-day. You can be sure he will lay down the law to his offspring when they get home. The other children certainly won’t want a similar fate to befall them. At the very least, you should have a quiet, hard-working class for the next several weeks.
  • Be aware of the specialized help available to you and don’t hesitate to take advantage of these professionals. Many school boards employ consultants in different areas: literacy experts, an Audio-visual consultant, a Special Education Department, etc. There are also community resources which you can access: Family and Children’s Services, the Parks and Recreation Commission, and Service Clubs for speakers for special occasions.
  • Make it a point to visit the Staff Room often. It helps to know you’re not alone and that others are experiencing the same problems you are. You’ll share in the solutions your fellow teachers have found. You’ll catch up on happenings in their lives, maybe have a coffee and relax for a few minutes. Laughter, conversation and fellowship are great tonics. You’ll return to the classroom refreshed and ready to put on your “Teacher” hat again.


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