
Showing posts from September, 2020

Smartphone Addiction in child|स्मार्टफोन का कैदी

It would not be wrong to say that humans have become slaves of technology. We have become particularly accustomed to our mobile phones. Currently, most people suffer from severe mobile addiction. It is as if their shops revolve around their mobile phones and they cannot do it even for an hour. It is important to overcome this addiction to live a healthy, prosperous and peaceful life. Smartphone Addiction Smartphone addiction is  overuse of the Internet. It’s not that new phone that creates the compulsion, but the social media apps, games, and the virtual world it connects all of us . To be able to use these gaming apps and social media apps we are constantly upgrading to the best smartphone, best android phone or the latest iPhone.   Nomophobia you are suffering from what they call Nomophobia - NO MObile phone phobia, the fear of losing or being out of contact with your mobile phone    Tips to Beat Smartphone Addiction Don’t use your phone as an alarm...

Prevention from Cyber Threats | साइबर थ्रेट्स से बचके रहना ! | VipTalksWithVipin |

 Digital threats are everywhere.A cyber or cyber security threat is a malicious act that seeks to damage data, steal data, or disrupt digital life in general. Cyber attacks include threats like computer viruses, data breaches, and Denial of Service (DOS) attacks.As more and more people save personal information online, whether that’s with retailers, school districts, or even the federal government, the need for Cyber Security grows increasingly important. Cyber means - the science of understanding the control and movement of machines and animals. This was followed by “cyber” standing for “computerized.” Common Cyber Threats are - Malware Phishing. “Man in the Middle” (MitM) attack. virus on Mobile Apps Data Breaches Attacks on IoT Devices. Ransomware. Trojans Denial of Service attack or Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS).  Adware. Spyware and Keyloggers. Identity Theft Cyber prevention - Password hygiene. Anti-virus software. Caution against phishing attacks. system u...