
Showing posts from November, 2020

3D Printing- Print your dream| Print whatever you want | viptalkswithvipin

  3D printing is one of the technologies that drives the Fourth Industrial Revolution. “3D printing” or “additive manufacturing” takes digital input in the form of computer aided design (CAD) model and creates solid, three dimensional parts of an additive, layer by layer process. 3D printing will disrupt global manufacturing and change the fortunes of national economies and workforces. It will have a massive impact for countries, states, and cities, globally. It will create new opportunities for economic growth, job creation, higher-skilled jobs, and a more sustainable future for the global manufacturing industry. 3D Printing in – Healthcare: Perhaps the most exciting and inspiring use of 3D printing is in medicine and healthcare. Medical solutions will become more customized for individual requirements. The breakthroughs in this field are extremely quick and awe-inspiring to say the least. The area of regenerative medicine will be greatly benefited Automotive: 3D-print...